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Reverse Engineering With Radare2 €? Part 1


A couple of weeks back, the folks at RPISEC posted the lecture slides and lab contents of their Modern Binary Exploitation course, held earlier this year. The course is designed to take somebody with basic C skills and have them work their way through a series of reverse engineering challenges of increasing difficulty.

Reverse Engineering With Radare2 – Part 1

Radare2 is an open-source, command-line based reverse engineering framework for Linux, macOS, Windows and many other platforms. It includes a set of tools for reverse engineering and analysing executable files (compiled programs). Radare2 can be used to perform both static and dynamic analysis.

The Juptyer notebook is a server-based notebook application that supports both rich text and computer code. It allows you write and run Python directly in your notebook documents, which could be useful for many reverse engineering tasks.

Possibly the best way to learn reverse engeering is to solve crackme challenges. Crackme challenges, or simply 'crackmes', are binaries that have been created for the purposes of training and testing your reverse engineering skills.

The most well-known type of crackme is a password crackme, which is a binary that prompts you for a password when run. In order to solve the crackme, you have to use various reverse engineering tools in order to determine what the password is.

Other types of crackmes include encryption programs where you have to reverse engineer an encryption key or algorithm, as well as programs with outright undefined behaviour, where you have to determine what the program does in order to solve the challenge.

A lot has changed since I wrote this tutorial, both with radare2 and with me. I am now, for several years, a core member in the radare2 team and a maintainer of Cutter, a modern, GUI-based, reverse engineering framework that is powered by radare2.

As I said before, the goal of this tutorial is to teach radare2 and present some of its capabilities, not to teach assembly. Therefore I will not go through the code deeply and explain what it does. The binary is really simple, you should get it even with a basic understanding of reverse engineering.

radare2 is equipped with a very strong and efficient suite of Visual Modes. The Visual Mode is much more user-friendly and takes the reversing experience using r2 to a whole new level. Pressing V will bring us to the Visual Mode screen. Use p/P to change between modes. At the top of the screen you can see the command which was used to generate the view. Navigate to the disassembly view using p. To go back from a specific screen, press q.

As a reverse engineer and malware researcher, the tools I use are super important for me. I have invested hours and hours in creating the best malware analysis environment for myself and chose the best tools for me and my needs. For the last two years, radare2 is my go-to tool for a lot of reverse-engineering tasks such as automating RE related work, scripting, CTFing, exploitation and more. That said, I almost never used radare2 for malware analysis, or more accurately, for analysis of malware for Windows.

In this article, we will explore the basics of radare2, a powerful package that comes with Kali. We are going to write a simple program, and then disassemble it, to see what is really doing in the processor.

Radare2 is an open source set of tools for reverse-engineering and analysis of binary files (among other things, for example debugging). In this article we will cover two tools: rasm2 and r2.

It exposes techniques that can benefit self-starters, security analysts, engineers, software auditors and hobbyists who want to improve their understanding of low-level aspects of a piece of software. It offers a system approach to understanding reverse-engineering and real-world examples.

Reverse-engineering is the creative process of analyzing software and understanding it without having access to the source code. It is the process by which software is deconstructed in a way that reveals its innermost details such as its structure, function and operation.

Reverse-engineering is one of the core skills required in the software security industry. Most attacks, which are usually launched in the form of malicious software, should be reversed and analyzed. After a malware attack is launched within a system, the key requirements are to clean the system and nodes and protect them from being compromised.

It is the work of a software analyst to determine how the malicious software installed itself within the system and develop steps for uninstalling the software. Reverse-engineering is used in malware analysis to understand what that piece of code is doing and to create a detection process to prevent it from re-infecting the system again.

Radare2 comes with a few other important tools. These tools are command-line utilities which can be used together or independently. This article will discuss four key utilities that are shipped with radare2.

This section will describe how to reverse an executable binary. When this standard program requests a user to input the secret password for logging on to a system, it compares the input password with a static string then prints a statement each for the correct code and wrong codes. The aim here is to illustrate the functionality of radare2.

This is the third part of the three-part series about code Emulation for Reversing Malware :Part 1 describes how to use radare2 function emulation along with an exercise of cracking password of function implemented using radare2 python scripting plugin r2pipe.Part 2 describes how to use the feature to decode a configuration of a Mirai IOT botnet, by implementing the solution in radare python scripting capabilities.Part 3 improves the script created in the previous by adding more features of searching for addresses of encrypted string and creating function signature to search for decryption function instead of using the hard-coded address of the function.

In the previous two posts we looked at how to emulate a string decryption function call and we created a radare2 macro and python script to use that emulation, we also managed to decrypt some configuration, but not all. In this post we will continue to improve the script, we will continue with the problem finding the address of encrypted data in the previous post and use those address to decrypt the configuration. There another interesting problem I came across when testing this script on the other variant of Mirai samples, the decryption function was not present at the same address as in the previous binary, all thought the function implementation was the same, well I managed to fix that by creating function signature other cool feature of radare. We will also explore many other features improve the script and make it more portable such that if the sample is using the same decryption method then our python script should be able to decrypt the configuration. Let get right into it.

This is the second part of the three-part series about code Emulation for Reversing Malware :Part 1 describes how to use radare2 function emulation along with an exercise of cracking password of function implemented using radare2 python scripting plugin r2pipe.Part 2 describes how to use the feature to decode a configuration of a Mirai IOT botnet, by implementing the solution in radare python scripting capabilities.Part 3 improves the script created in the previous by adding more features of searching for addresses of encrypted string and creating function signature to search for decryption function instead of using the hard-coded address of the function.

In the previous post we looked at how to we can use partial code emulation to decrypt a string in a binary. In this post we will take an example of a popular Linux IOT malware Mirai, the reason for choosing this particular malware is it stores its configuration like CNC server, port etc in encrypted form. Mirai botnet is cross-architecture so for this post we will reverse the x86 architecture version of the binary. The main goal of this post is to automate the configuration decryption using radare2. We will also use radare2 for static analysis of the binary and to reverse a little bit of decryption function.

This is the first part of the three-part series about code Emulation for Reversing Malware :Part 1 describes how to use radare2 function emulation along with an exercise of cracking password of function implemented using radare2 python scripting plugin r2pipe.Part 2 describes how to use the feature to decode a configuration of a Mirai IOT botnet, by implementing the solution in radare python scripting capabilities.Part 3 improves the script created in the previous by adding more features of searching for addresses of encrypted string and creating function signature to search for decryption function instead of using the hard-coded address of the function.

Malware researchers require a diverse skill set usually gained over time through experience and self-training. Reverse engineering (RE) is an integral part of malware analysis and research but it is also one of the most advanced skills a researcher can have. This is one of the reasons why organizations lack reverse engineering manpower. Many researchers with a lack of experience struggle to get started in RE. Gaining a solid starting point in RE with the relevant knowledge and terminologies can be a differentiator for a researcher.

This series will provide RE basics for malware researchers, analysts and IR experts who have no reverse engineering experience but wish to learn how. In Part 1, you will learn about basic computing terms and assembly language.

RE can be very time-consuming. When researching a malware, you will usually not start reversing it right away. Instead, you should conduct triage malware analysis by running the malware in a sandbox, extracting strings, and more. This initial malware analysis phase can provide further context for reverse engineering, if needed. For instance, you can search for specific strings in the disassembler or expect to see a certain capability that the malware displays. 2ff7e9595c

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