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Java 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition V1 3.1 02: Compatibility and Requirements


E-CELL2 can be used either from GUI or command line.If a simulation is done on its GUI, Java Runtime Environment (JRE),which is Java interpreting environment, must be installed and configured property.If you just want to see E-CELL2 demonstration,use standard reactors or add user reactor of user definition, you don't need to install Java2 SDK.Install JRE if it is needed.

Java 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition V1 3.1 02

When true, Spark SQL uses an ANSI compliant dialect instead of being Hive compliant. For example, Spark will throw an exception at runtime instead of returning null results when the inputs to a SQL operator/function are invalid.For full details of this dialect, you can find them in the section "ANSI Compliance" of Spark's documentation. Some ANSI dialect features may be not from the ANSI SQL standard directly, but their behaviors align with ANSI SQL's style

To use this credential authentication, com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-rds dependency must be registred in classpath.Implementation use SDK DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain and DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain to get IAM credential and region.see DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain and DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain to check how those information can be retrieved (environment variable / system properties, files, ...)

In the standard servlet API, each client session is represented by an instance of a class that implements the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface. Servlets can set and get information about the session in this HttpSession object, which must be of application-level scope.

To try out the sample servlet code in an OC4J standalone environment, save it as in the /WEB-INF/classes directory of the OC4J default Web application. (See "OC4J Default Application and Default Web Application".)

An abstract framework for understanding significant entities and relationships between them within a service-oriented environment, and for the development of consistent standards or specifications supporting that environment. It is based on unifying concepts of SOA and may be used by architects developing specific service oriented architectures or in training and explaining SOA.

Due to the construction of the Java platform the JAXB API used is the one defined by the platform. This means that the used JAXB API version will be the endorsed one of the JDK, regardless of what is specified in the plugin (or its dependencies). You may override the endorsed API outside of Maven and this plugin, but that is typically viewed as advanced usage. A better option is to align the version of the compiled code with the requirement on the JAXB runtime environment of the generated code.

Normally, you would use XML Schema Definitions as the standard type of JAXB source. However, other standards can be used as source type provided that the configuration parameter sourceType is assigned one of the existing values of the org.codehaus.mojo.jaxb2.javageneration.SourceContentType enum. In the example below, the source files contain Document Type Descriptions instead of XML Schema, and they are placed within the src/main/dtd directory.

The debug log also shows the configuration and result of the configured PatternFileFilters; as shown in the listing below, two PatternFileFilters containing 3 java regular expression patterns each are applied to the files found below the standard directory src/main/xsd. The listing shows the java regexps in use, and the resulting file after removing all files identified by the two PatternFileFilters:

Java-2-Schema is the process of augmenting existing Java classes with the annotations defined in the javax.xml.bind.annotation package so that the JAXB runtime binding framework is capable of performing the (un)marshal operations. Here are the basic steps for developing an app:

Therefore, if you develop an application that uses JAXB 2.0 for JavaSE 5 today, the easiest way to upgrade to JavaSE 6 is to do nothing. You should keep the JAXB RI in your development environment, keep bundling the JAXB RI runtime jars to your app, just like you do that today.

Specifies the runtime environment in which the generated code is supposed to run. Expects 2.0 or 2.1 values. This allows more up-to-date versions of XJC to be used for developing applications that run on earlier JAXB versions.

If you depend on a proxy server to resolve the location of imported or included schemas (as you might if you're behind a firewall), you need to make the hostname and port number accessible to the JVM hosting ant. Do this by setting the environment variable ANT_OPTS to a string containing the appropriate java options. For example, from DOS:

If your java sources/classes reference other classes, they must be accessable on your system CLASSPATH environment variable, or they need to be given to the tool by using the -classpath/ -cp options. Otherwise you will see errors when generating your schema.

This experimental JAXB RI 1.0.x property has been adopted as a standard in JAXB 2.0. The 2.0 RI will continue to support this property, but client code should be using the Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT property instead. Please refer to the Marshaller javadoc for a complete description of the behavior.

Workaround: Developers leveraging noncompliant libraries in their applications can consider using a library that follows HTTP standards instead. For example, developers who use the vijava library can consider using the latest version of the yavijava library instead. 2ff7e9595c

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